6. Enhance your business proposition
Being a thought leader provides a proven track record for original thinking – a huge
plus when attempting to win business and impress clients.
7. Develop niche expertise
Identifying a niche in the market to develop expertise can easily make you the ‘go-to’ company
if you capitalise on these opportunities.
8. Command authority
Being recognised as an authority in a particular field does wonders for your credibility and
engenders trust when attempting to strengthen your brand.
9. Be a leader, not a follower
Are you a sheep or do you lead the sheep? Many companies play it too safe and limit
growth potential. Thinking outside the box communicates to others that you are confident,
self-assured and are willing to lead.
10. Increase brand exposure
Media commentators are always looking for engaging headlines. Choose a hot research topic, get
the work done and grab column inches to help increase brand exposure.