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UK Macroeconomic Data

Retail Economics identifies crucial economic indicators which underpin the strength of the economy and consumer spending.

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  • Demand: GDP, consumer spending, retail sales etc.
  • Inflation: food, housing costs, transport, recreation and culture etc.
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  • Assets and Credit: house prices, household debt, mortgage approvals etc.
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Non-members can only view and select data up to December 2014. Subscribers can view and select the latest available data, going back up to ten years.

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UK Economic Indicator (ONS)

% change 42689 43692 41593 42597 Source Download
GDP (% change Q-o-Q) 0.6 0.5 ONS
GDP (% change Y-o-Y) 1 0.9 ONS
Agriculture (% change Q-o-Q) 1.7 2.5 ONS
Construction (% change Q-o-Q) 0.8 0.3 ONS
Production (% change Q-o-Q) 1.4 0.8 ONS
Services (% change Q-o-Q) 0.5 0.6 ONS

Labour Market (ONS)

% change year-on-year Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Source Download
Unemployment Rate (%) 4 4.3 N/A N/A ONS
Youth Unemployment Rate (%) N/A N/A N/A N/A ONS
Employment Rate (%) 75 74.8 N/A N/A ONS
Employment (000's) 33372 33313 N/A N/A ONS
Unemployment (000's) 1386 1486 N/A N/A ONS
Average Earnings Growth 5 4.6 4.8 N/A ONS
Claimant Count (000s) 1768.7 1769 1779.1 1805.7 ONS
Inactivity Rate (%) 21.8 21.8 N/A N/A ONS
Unemployed - 16-17 (000s) 96 114 N/A N/A ONS
Unemployed - 18-24 (000s) 480 513 N/A N/A ONS
Unemployed - 25-49 (000s) 522 563 N/A N/A ONS
Unemployed - 50 plus (000s) 288 296 N/A N/A ONS
Total hours worked weekly 1064 1069 N/A N/A ONS
Average hours worked Full Time 36.6 36.9 N/A N/A ONS
Average hours worked Part Time 16.7 16.8 N/A N/A ONS
% change year-on-year 42689 43692 41593 42597 Source Download
Productivity Whole Economy 99.4 100.9 ONS
Productivity Per Worker 99.4 100.9 ONS
Unit Labour Cost Per Worker 96 103.5 ONS

Assets (Bank of England)

% change year-on-year Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Source Download
UK mortgage approvals y/y 26.8 43.8 49.6 41.5 Bank of England
UK mortgage approvals m/m 43.9 60 17 47.8 Bank of England
UK mortgage approvals (thousands) 62.7 65.3 66.1 68.3 Bank of England

Credit (ONS)

% change year-on-year 42689 43692 41593 42597 Source Download
Household savings ratio (%) 5.5 6.2 ONS
Total debt to income ratio 136.7 133.2 ONS
% change year-on-year Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Source Download
Secured Lending 1.6 2 2 2.2 Bank of England
Net unsecured borrowing 7.8 7.7 7.5 7.3 Bank of England
Source: Where ONS is noted as a source, this is licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0.