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UK Economic Retail Reports

Retail Economics offers subscribers regular in-depth retail reports on the UK retail industry

Our world class economic retail reports give you…

  • Assurance that you’re kept abreast of underlying factors affecting UK retail businesses
  • Crucial economic indicators allowing you to make better business & investment decisions
  • Monthly in-depth analysis & commentary on: Retail sales, Online retail, Retail inflation, Consumer behaviour, Retail Outlook, Macroeconomics and more...
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UK Retail Sales
September 2024
  • Monthly trend analysis for retail market
  • Sales growth by category
  • UK Online retail sales
  • Footfall by channel
  • Summarised data sources: ONS, BRC, CBI, BDO, John Lewis, Visa...
  • Category breakdowns: food, clothing, health, beauty, homewares, DIY, furniture, electricals...
  • Other retail sales indices and more...

Intelligently-designed page layouts for accelerated data intake and retention

UK Online Retail
September 2024
  • Online Retail Industry overview - monthly
  • UK Online retail sales 2024
  • Retail sales comparisons: online vs stores
  • Online sales growth by category
  • Online market size estimates 2024
  • Summarised data sources: ONS, BRC-KPMG, BDO, IMRG...
  • Online delivery trends, spending forecasts and much more...
UK Retail Inflation
September 2024
  • Economic analysis on monthly inflation trends
  • Inflation rates by sector
  • Supply chain and commodities analysis
  • Factory gate inflation
  • Exchange rate impacts
  • Operating costs estimates
  • Summarised data sources: ONS, BRC-Nielsen, Bank of England, proprietary data...
  • Inflation forecasts and more...
UK Consumer
September 2024
  • Economic overview
  • Comprehensive view of consumer spending
  • Consumer spending by category
  • Spending by household income decline
  • Spending by region
  • Growth by category
  • Forecasts and more...
Retail Economic Briefing
September 2024
  • Economic analysis of need-to-know data
  • Consumer and retail spending
  • House prices inflation and mortgage approvals
  • Inflation by category
  • Labour market analysis
  • Real earnings growth
  • Forecasts and more...
UK Retail Industry Outlook
September 2024
  • Forward looking economic analysis and narrative
  • Backdrop for households: earnings, confidence, credit and debt, job security...
  • Backdrop for retailers: operating and sourcing costs, labour costs, credit availability...
  • Forecasts by sector and more...
UK Executive Report
September 2024
  • Need-to-know retail analysis that’s succinct, bold and punchy
  • Ideal for senior management and for meetings
  • Mix of major economic and retail indicators
  • Bullet-point style updates
  • Latest economic and retail insight news and more...