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UK Health & Beauty Sector Report | Insight & Data

September 2024

What's included in this report?

  • Market Share - Top 10 Health & Beauty retailers
  • Market Size estimates (£m)
  • Health & Beauty Sales Growth by category
  • Total Spending by category (£m)
  • Online Health & Beauty Sales (y-o-y)
  • Forecasts for 2024 - 2028
  • Footfall by channel and region
  • Regional Weather data and more…

UK Health & Beauty Sector Report : September 2024

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Report Summary

26 May – 29 June 2024

3 minute read


Note: This report summary is one or two months behind the current month as standard reporting practice. The content is indicative only and incomplete with certain data undisclosed. Become a member to access this data or take out a free 30 day membership trial now.

Health and Beauty sales

Health & Beauty sales rose by xx% YoY in June, against a tough comparative rise of xx% in June 2023 according to the Retail Economics Retail Sales Index (value, non-seasonally adjusted).

The category remains an outperformer in retail and one of only two categories to record growth in June.

Performance was influenced by several key drivers:

Seasonal boost: Health & Beauty sales accelerated in June, driven by summer holiday preparations, gifting for Father’s Day, and major events such as Glastonbury and Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour.

Holidays prioritised: Holidays have become an almost non-negotiable spend for households this year, as consumers seek to escape the lacklustre UK weather and enjoy travel experiences missed during the pandemic. This focus on holidays is supporting Health & Beauty sales, notably for fragrances, suncream, and personal hygiene products.

Cooler weather: June was wetter and cooler compared to last year’s record temperatures, impacting seasonal sales and dragging on footfall. However, Health & Beauty sales are less weather-sensitive than categories like Clothing (xx%) or DIY & Gardening (xx%), which were hit harder in June.

Improving finances: Personal finances are improving as inflation returns to target and real wage growth strengthens. Yet, for luxury and big-ticket items, many households remain cautious, adopting a ‘wait and see’ approach in June as the run-up to a general election created uncertainty.

Social Commerce- £16bn Opportunity:

Long-term trends such as interest in personal wellness and viral makeup and skincare videos continue to positively impact the Health & Beauty market, with social commerce – the integration of social media and e-commerce - becoming an increasingly important sales and marketing channel for brands.

The social commerce industry in the UK is forecast to more than double over the next five years, rising from £7.3 billion to almost £16 billion by 2028, according to research by Retail Economics and TikTok.

This would see social commerce account for xx% of total online sales, up from xx% today, and growing at four times the rate of overall ecommerce sales.

More than xx (xx%) of UK users have made a purchase directly through social media, either by clicking a link on shoppable content, or checking out directly within an app. This rises to almost xx (xx%) for those under 45, with xx (xx%) Millennials purchasing via social media at least once a month.

Beauty is the most shopped social commerce category, with more than a xx of UK adults having purchased a beauty product directly on social media.


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Online basket abandonment rate by retail sector

Source: Retail Economics, TikTok

Latest monthly UK Health & Beauty Sector Report

Report: May 2024 3 minute read   Note: This report summary is one or two months behind the current month as standard reporting practice. The content is indicative only and incomplete with certain data undisclosed. Become a me... read more
Report: April 2024 3 minute read   Note: This report summary is one or two months behind the current month as standard reporting practice. The content is indicative only and incomplete with certain data undisclosed. Become a me... read more
Report: March 2024 3 minute read   Note: This report summary is one or two months behind the current month as standard reporting practice. The content is indicative only and incomplete with certain data undisclosed. Become a me... read more
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Report Contents

UK Health & Beauty Sector Report Report
  • Executive Summary

  • Sector analysis

  • Health and Beauty – Retail Economics Index

  • Macro Factors

  • Household Spending

  • Consumers

  • Footfall

  • Labour market

  • Earnings

  • Costs, Prices and Margins

  • Weather Watch

  • Average Temperature

  • Average sunshine hours

  • Average Rainfall

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Retail Economics publishes monthly Retail Sector Reports for the UK Food & Grocery sector giving you actionable insights for your business.


It provides in-depth analysis of the latest macroeconomic and consumer trends affecting the UK Health & Beauty sector including market size estimates for: Cosmetics, Toiletries, OTC medication, Fragrances, Hair Products, Paper Products, Babycare, Personal Grooming and more.

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